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5G商用进程未来两年将提速 -- 3C频道:2021-5-11 · 全球移动伋业加速部署 在今年3月伇召开的3GPP RAN(即第三伋合作项目-无线接入网络)第75次全体大会上,3GPP正式通过了5G加速的提案。 按照这伇提案,3GPP将在R15版本内,加速5G新空口(NR)标准进程,将5G NR非独立组网特性提前至2021年12月完成,相比原计划提前半年。


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You're in luck. Meet Dr. Mike Bentley and the rest of our team.


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The National Pest Management Association went on a mission to reveal the extent of termites’ destructive diet. We introduced termite colonies to various household items and documented the eye-opening results.

Join Dr. Mike Bentley, entomologist and director of training and education for the National Pest Management Association, as he explores what termites are capable of chewing through beyond just wood.


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As an entomologist, Dr. Bentley utilizes his professional expertise and existing research to protect homeowners and businesses from pest threats. He specializes in structural pests, which are those that can be found in and around buildings, such as ants, cockroaches and, yes, termites. Dr. Bentley and the rest of the NPMA entomology team are on the forefront of educating people nationwide on the dangers and diseases posed by pests.

Meet the Team

Episode 1: Fast Food
Episode 1: Fast Food
Episode 2: Dictionary
Episode 3: Money
Episode 3: Money
Episode 4: Shoe
Episode 4: Shoe
Episode 5: Headphones
Episode 5: Headphones
Episode 6: Towels
Episode 6: Towels

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We introduced more than half a million termites into a tiny, built-to-scale dream home, revealing the destructive nature of these pests like never before. Visit our Tiny Termite House hub and go behind the walls to see the devastation these “silent destroyers” can cause to any home. You’ll get an inside look at how termites work together to wreak havoc on a home and see why an infestation should never be taken lightly.

Enter the Hub
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